12 October 2023
FLOAT&M present at the visit of Councillor Arantxa Tapia to the Basque Energy Cluster stand at the Global Offshore Wind Summit in Japan
The Basque Minister for Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment Arantxa Tapia took part in the official opening of the Global Offshore Wind Summit (GOWS), which is being held in the Japanese city of Kytakyushu. After the opening ceremony, she visited the Basque Energy Cluster stand at the event, where 10 Basque companies are exhibiting their capabilities and projects in the field of offshore wind under the joint brand “Offshore Wind Basque Country”.
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08 April 2022
El consorcio de FLOAT&M organiza su primera reunión del Comité Asesor en el marco de WindEurope Bilbao
El pasado 5 de abril, el consorcio de FLOAT&M organizó su primera reunión con el Comité Asesor, formado por Saitec Offshore Technologies, Nautilus Floating Solutions, Iberdrola y Siemens Gamesa. La reunión tuvo lugar en una sala privada del pabellón de exposición de WindEurope Bilbao. Tras esta interesante reunión, el proyecto fue presentado por Carlos Garrido, de Saitec, en el espacio WindTalks de la feria.
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08 March 2022
Saitec presents FLOAT&M project to more than 80 experts from the Wind Energy sector at the Basque Energy Cluster Wind Forum meeting
Carlos Garrido presented FLOAT&M project at the Wind Energy Forum of the Basque Energy Cluster that was organized on December 17 in the Port of Bilbao...
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