FLOAT&M Main Goals

  • 1Modelling O&M costs, including their various descriptive criteria according to the different possible floating platform technologies and maintenance ranges, enabling enough flexibility to include new variants and new knowledge as they become available.

  • 2Development of a drone system with a high autonomy level (smart navigation).

  • 3Application of solutions for the digital transformation of the sector via innovative sensorisation technologies, smart software development, cyber-physical system creation based on digital twins and digital modelling of control-oriented systems.

  • 4O&M modelling strategies for decision-making in prior project phases by means of DES techniques.

  • 5Development of a comprehensive monitoring system in critical joint, preload, tower loads, loads on platforms and on anchoring systems.

  • 6Development of new materials such as high-performance fibre-reinforced concrete or new types of steel for bolts and bearings for offshore wind turbines.

  • 7Development of new anti-corrosion solutions.

  • 8Incorporation of project improvements regarding O&M into the platform manufacturing process.

Project structure

Learn more about FLOAT&M Work Packages and their structure throughout the project.


Application of the strategic focus to the development of a comprehensive O&M solution that includes both Advanced services for asset life cycle management and New inspection and repair solution.

Cost modelling of O&M tasks in floating platforms and assessment of technologies developed in FLOAT&M compared to other alternatives.

Implications of activity automation arising from the use of new equipment (drones, ROVs, connectors).

Implications of new sensorisation and monitoring solutions, including predictive maintenance possibilities.

Implications of the performance of materials and coatings that are of interest to the design of maintenance strategies and their optimisation.

WP5. Communication, dissemination and leverage

WP6. Technical, economic and administrative coordination

WP1. Definition of new strategies adapted to floating offshore technology and application of a comprehensive O&M solution

The main goal of this work package is to assess the different maintenance strategies (maintenance ranges), specific to each floating wind turbine configuration, which enable operation within technical-economic parameters of floating offshore wind farms.

The aim is to get a General Model that includes cost components relating to operation and the different maintenance ranges and that, together with the necessary energy production estimates and related income throughout the farm’s entire life cycle, can be used to assess the asset’s economic result and decision-making for its continued operation.

WP2. Innovative elements: Drones, ROVs and connectivity

The main goal of this work package is to use drones to monitor the health of floating wind turbine blades, towers and platforms, and to be used in assistance and inspections tasks when assembling floating platforms.
The second goal is to define and determine the type of ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) technology that is required to carry out maintenance on underwater mooring lines, which are necessary in floating wind turbines.

Lastly, the WP will work on remote and automated connectivity of floating platforms to the underwater grid, thus avoiding staff transport to platforms.

WP3. Digital solutions for floating O&M

This WP will develop DIGITALISATION solutions for floating wind turbines by:

Continuously collecting information on the operation conditions and health of critical components by means of advanced sensorics adapted to the requirements of the systems and the environmental conditions in the floating offshore sector.

Processing information by means of the creation of cyber-physical systems in which a constant data flow is established between real systems (floating wind turbines and their components) and virtual models (control-oriented digital twins and models) that recreate the physics of real systems.

WP4. New anti-corrosion materials and solutions

The main goal of this WP is to maximise the useful life of each one of the specific components on a floating platform by developing new coatings, materials and solutions against degradation, corrosion and the need to repair the structures.

The developments of this WP will focus on concrete y steel, either regarding coating for those materials or new types of materials with special features and high performance.